Last week, I figured I could get in one more altered book page before I needed to pack up all my supplies (today's our closing day!) - and after that hot pink page, I wanted some cooler tones. So after reinforcing the pages with a bit of masking tape, I took out my turquoise Liquitex paint marker and dabbed it onto the page. Then I mixed a few blues (using sky blue light, permanent blue violet, phthalo blue and phthalo green) and applied then with a dry brayer:
This effect immediately made me think of water, so I collaged a few elements to go along with that theme: patterns reminiscent of riverbed stones and a wooden dock. I then covered the page with splashes of gel medium (that eventually dried transparent) to give it a wave-like texture:
My next step was to add a few more layers of paint - sky blue light and permanent blue violet - in order to help the collaged elements blend in a bit and to bring out the texture:
At this stage, I was really happy with the effect I had created. But it wasn't done, so I went on to add my next typical layer: doodles with Sharpie pens (white and silver in this case). That was a mistake. It didn't give me the look I wanted - it was too much, way too busy. So I decided to give it a wash with glazing medium mixed with a small amount of gesso to calm things down a bit. I should have stopped there and waited for things to dry; I think I would have been happy with the turnout. But while it was still wet, I didn't like it, so I added some more gesso in the form of clouds.
I left it at that, heartbroken I had ruined my beautiful page. When I came back to it the next day, it wasn't so bad. I knew I could salvage it, but it needed a few more clouds for balance. The last step was a bit more Sharpie doodles (outlining the clouds in blue and a few more white circles) - subtle ones, just to harmonize the page.
Moral of the story: sometimes it's best to take a step away from the page, let things dry, before rushing on to the next layer. And if you don't like it, push forward - something good will come.

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