Another month of my Project 52 under my belt! I'm looking forward to warmer weather (already we're feeling hints of that!) so that I can venture outside instead of having all these photos taken from the warm safety of our apartment.
Week 5: late snowy night
I almost missed this week - totally forgot! - so I just took a quick photo through the window. We had just had a dumping of snow, and I liked this car-cleaning scene.
Week 6: genuine Giesler boat coffee table
This was our big Christmas gift from my parents - still awaiting the glass cover. We don't really have a great spot for it, but I just love it so! My brothers each got one too; it was definitely the epic gift this year! Such a surprise and such a lovely, personal, addition to our homes.
Week 7: Thai-inspired hot pot fondue
It had been so long since I used my fondue pot, I just had to pull it out the other week. I love using it to boil broth the most - you just cook the raw veggies and meat directly in it. I used homemade broth with added Thai flavours (SO good), marinated chicken and a variety of vegetables (orange pepper, asparagus, bok choy and grape tomatoes). After we were done fondue-ing, we added the leftovers and some rice noodles to the broth and had soup. SO tasty!
Week 8: light-catching ornament
Another Christmas gift from my mom - so pretty!
Week 5: late snowy night

Week 6: genuine Giesler boat coffee table

Week 7: Thai-inspired hot pot fondue

Week 8: light-catching ornament

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