Things have been busy around here. We returned from our trip out West last Tuesday, had the day off Wednesday and then worked Thursday-Friday. My two lab co-workers were off that week (vacation and sick), so the office staff and new trainees were trying to cope to our regular frantic schedule. Needless to say, I really felt the love when I returned ("thank goodness you're back!!!")... but there was a lot of catching up to do. A lot of samples to sort through, organize and ship. It was BUSY.
Then, we had house guests the whole weekend. Friday night, Pat's youngest sister made it in late. His other sister and her fiance arrived by train on Saturday. Sunday, we all went to Wonderland for the entire day. I had almost forgotten just how much I LOVE roller-coasters! The new Leviathan is extra tall, fast and long - but such a smooth ride. So so so much fun!
The last of our guests left this morning and I have to say - I'm tired! What a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been. And by the weekend it'll be June! I know I say this a lot - and more and more often as I get older - but the days are just flying by. Hard to believe we're almost half-way through 2013.
Anyway, I have loads to catch up on so it may continue to be quiet over here for a few more days. I will try to get back into my regular blogging schedule soon though. I have tons of pictures from out West to show still... so here's one:
*sigh* Dreaming of the mountains....
Then, we had house guests the whole weekend. Friday night, Pat's youngest sister made it in late. His other sister and her fiance arrived by train on Saturday. Sunday, we all went to Wonderland for the entire day. I had almost forgotten just how much I LOVE roller-coasters! The new Leviathan is extra tall, fast and long - but such a smooth ride. So so so much fun!
The last of our guests left this morning and I have to say - I'm tired! What a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been. And by the weekend it'll be June! I know I say this a lot - and more and more often as I get older - but the days are just flying by. Hard to believe we're almost half-way through 2013.
Anyway, I have loads to catch up on so it may continue to be quiet over here for a few more days. I will try to get back into my regular blogging schedule soon though. I have tons of pictures from out West to show still... so here's one: