Cancer has been silently stalking both my & Pat's families lately & reared its ugly head this week in more than one place.
That sounds very dramatic, but it was a very emotional week... anyway...
First, my great uncle, my gramma's youngest brother, passed away last Thursday from stomach cancer. It was very sudden - we found out less than a month ago that he had it & that it was terminal, that the doctors could do nothing but manage his pain. We're grateful that he didn't suffer for long. Pat & I traveled home for his funeral early this week.
The same day we found out my great uncle had terminal stomach cancer, we also discovered that my aunt - my gramma's youngest daughter, the one who fought breast cancer a couple years ago - had "a spot" on her femur. We found out on Wednesday that she also has spots on her liver. The doctors are positive though & she started treatment this week. My aunt is a fighter & we all know she'll get through this. Prayers for a speedy recovery are much appreciated.
While we were home, Pat received an update on his extended family. His mom has 9 siblings (I think) & his dad has well over a dozen (Pat can't even remember them all), so it's hard to keep track of all the aunts & uncles. Still, 2 of his aunts have cancer & so does his grandma (& a couple uncles aren't doing so well either). His grandma has it in more than one location & isn't opting for treatment.
So... this Christmas will be about family, even more than usual. We're going to go out of our way to visit with as many people as we can. I want to get to Powassan to visit with my dad's side of the family - it's been years. Same for Pat's dad's side - luckily, a dinner is being organized, so we'll be able to visit with his grandma & aunt & anyone else who has been doing poorly but hasn't told anyone yet.
And so....... I haven't blogged. I spent all day Wednesday in bed with a novel, my sketchbook & my tablet. Yesterday, I baked up a storm (see my updated sidebar list!) & plan on doing the same today & into the weekend. Next week will be all about getting my blogs ready for the holidays - I don't want things to get too quiet here while I'm busy having fun with my family!

I see these things happen at work all the time, and it's very sad. But it's always very nice and heart warming to see when families pull together and are there for each other. :)
I'm sorry to hear that :(I've lost quite a few family members to breast cancer. All on my dad's side of the family I had surgery before, I had a lump in my breast and I was freaking out, so was my dad! The doctor siad I should be worried if girls in my moms family were getting cancer, not my dad! Have a good weekend!
thinking of you and your family
Amanda I pray that midst the difficult times you have shared with your family in these last weeks you would also find a little holiday joy as well. Christmas is a time for family and it's not always an easy time for many folks. Thinking of you.
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