As usual, we went home for Thanksgiving, which was last weekend for us Canadians. You can see my destination above: the house where I grew up & my parents still live, in the beautiful countryside of Northern Ontario. As you can also probably tell from the photo, the weather was amazing - a true Indian summer, with temperatures reaching the mid-20s. It felt like summer, except for the brilliant & near blinding arboreal display of gold, crimson, fire & rust.

To make the most of the weather, my mom & I went for a few walks. I carried along my camera, of course.

The maple trees in particular were strutting their stuff, pulling out every shade from the deepest blood red to a bright, spring yellow & everything in between. This tree in my brother's backyard is a perfect example, but my photography skills just do not do it justice.

I have many more pictures of leaves from our walks, but first I wanted to introduce you to our walking buddy & guard, Buster:

A big German Shepherd, Buster can be pretty intimidating... but he's really a big, spoiled suck. He accompanied us on our walk down the road:

That is... he tagged along until he heard my dad start up the 4-wheeler / ATV. Then he was off like a shot, bounding ahead excitedly. The only thing that quickens him more than the 4-wheeler is my brothers' snow machines. As soon as any of these vehicles start up, Buster starts dancing around, unleashing a characteristic, high-pitched bark.
"Yip, yip, yip!" (Let's go, let's go, let's go!)
But faithful he is, & he stayed by our side the entire time we were walking up the road & through the bush, as you'll see in a few photos later.

It was a dreamy weekend with surreal weather... I didn't want it to end.
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