Monday, April 4, 2011

Mosaic Monday

It's Mosaic Monday! I hope you'll join us - it's really easy! Just make a mosaic - you can use whatever photo editing software you like, or a website such as the mosaic maker & photos from Flickr - & then post it on your blog. Go ahead & pick a theme if you want, but don't feel like you have to. Have fun with it!

Then make sure to come back here & add a link to your blog post so that others can see your awesome mosaic!

Here's mine for this week: KitchenAid Mixer. Mine was delivered for the first time on Thursday - just a couple days after it shipped! Of course I wasn't there to receive it... nor was I there on Friday for the second attempt. Not to mention Pat has to sign for it.. So we're going to pick it up early this morning - I can't wait!

Here's the list of mosaics this week. Once you've blogged, click the button below to add your blog post link.

Mosaics this week:

1. Nicole  2. Caroline  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Christie Cottage said...

OH, you will love it!

Good morning!!

Happy Monday!

Here's my current giveaway $30 gift certificate from a Supply shop.
I hope you'll enter!

Nicole's Homemade Treats...The Blog said...

LOL!! Enjoy!!

donnarose said...

niki love my KitchenAid
great mosaic

donnarose said...

really meant amanda (uli)

Mrs Linee said...

He He [ who is excited ☺
And I missed linking my Mosaic due to Internet being down... Oh well at least I enjoyed creating ☺ Next week..