I've wanted a KitchenAid mixer since... well, since I first heard about them, somewhere around 5 or 7 years ago. Unfortunately, their price range is quite a bit out of my budget, especially when my tiny kitchen doesn't really have a spot for it. So, even though it's been on my wishlist for a while, I still don't have one.
Last week, I realized we had enough Air Miles to get a pretty decent reward. I fully intended on restricting my browsing to trips & cruises... but then I landed on this baby:

And I had enough Air Miles to get it for free. No shipping or handling fees - free. How's a girl supposed to resist that?

It's this one exactly: an awesome burnished silver, a glass mixing bowl & a couple attachments (including a dough hook). I received an email this morning saying it had shipped. I should expect it in 10 days. I can't wait!!!
Do you have a mixer? Do you use it a lot?
I'll be gathering recipes that use it over the next couple weeks, so please share any favourites in the comments!
so great for making bread
I have always wanted the pasta attachment.
Have fun
I bought a kitchenaid mixer this fall when I saw them on sale at zellers and remembered that Fraser and I had $200 in HBC gift cards hanging around. This happened right before we discovered I have a wheat allergy...so I've only used it a few times (and LOVED it). Once I stock up on spelt flour I'll be sure to work it into my weekly routine.
Oh Wow... I have a Kenwood Chef that belonged to my Grandma so will have tobe happy with that... But wow... Enjoy mixing and making ☺
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