When I went home a few weekends ago, my mom & I went to this cute little store called "Neat Stuff." They carry vintage, antique & new items, all displayed on gorgeous antique furniture that is also for sale. I just couldn't resist picking up a few things.
This dish was the first to catch my eye (you may recognize it from my craft table display).

There isn't anything that special about it - my mom didn't particularly like it - but I was drawn to it for some reason. I love the green colour & delicate lacy flower border. Here's the stamp on the bottom:

Anyone have any idea on the value of such a piece?
Next I saw this miniature iron & seriously squealed.

I LOVE miniatures, so there was no way I was passing this up. It was sold as a vintage toy, but I think it may have actually been used.

When my mom & I did a tour of Dundurn Castle, a "house" built in the 1830s for Sir Allan McNab, one of Canada's first premiers, we found out in the laundry room that tiny irons like this were used by the laundress to make all the little creases, ruching & ruffles of the period's clothing perfect. (How tedious!?!)

So was this iron ever used? I don't think I'll ever know... but it's so darn cute it doesn't matter!
Since I had been going on about vintage things that weekend, my mom gave me this bedroom set that belonged to her grandma:

They're a little worn & faded, I love the burgundy colour & delicate purple flowers. I know the the little stand is a ring tree, but I wonder what all the little vessels were originally for...
Last but not least, while we're on the topic of my great-grandmother, here is a set of pins of hers (the two eyeglasses - the red one I found on Etsy) that my gramma gave me a while ago.

I never really used them as a kid (pins weren't that cool then) but I recently pulled them out again. I think the sparkly rhinestones are perfect for the season!