Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five

I really noticed the fall colours developing outside this week. In Hamilton, the tones are usually pretty brown, but the yellows & oranges are vibrant this year. I'll have to go for a quick walk today with my camera. In the meantime, here's what I was up to this week:
  1. Monday night I stayed up late for the shopping/distribution of the MMG Anniversary contest prizes. I won over $100 in goodies - much of which was redeemed for nikid chocolate!!! I can't wait for my winnings to start pouring in!
  2. I worked on a necklace for my mom (she's had these charms for years & finally asked me last year to make them into necklaces - one for me & one for her). I want mine on a chain, but she wants hers beaded, so I'm trying to decide if I should pair blue or red with the white beads...? Mom, any preference?
  3. I finally met with my supervisor. We've scheduled regular Friday meetings - let's see if he'll be there next week...
  4. I made surprise balls for the kids for Thanksgiving / Halloween.I also picked up some treat bags from Laura Secord (a bit of a tradition & they were especially cute this year).
  5. I listed all 5 of the wine bottle cozies I made over the weekend - and 3 of them were snatched up immediately! How exciting!
Today I have to pack for the weekend, organize some results & send them to my supervisor & bake some pumpkin cheesecake tarts. Yum!

What are you doing to celebrate Thanksgiving?


Nicole's Homemade Treats...The Blog said...

It is Columbus Day weekend here in the USA. We are taking the boys on a fall foliage train trip and playing outdoors! Enjoy your weekend!

Bianca said...

Enjoy Amanda! Wine cozies are a great idea- and I had no doubt they'd sell like crazy! Congrats. I love those Halloween bags!!