Now that I'm pretty much done showing you pictures from my trip out West, I can show you photos from the long weekend! Hope you aren't tired of pictures, pictures & more pictures!
Last weekend, Pat & I went up North to spend some time with our families. While there, my mom decided to celebrate my birthday (since she usually doesn't get to see my during my birthday month). She made me a delicious bird-shaped cake (I think he looks like a parrot, eh?):

After helping me blow out the candles, Edward realized the bird only had one almond eye:
So he quickly remedied the situation - can you tell?
Right before diving into cake though, my mom let me open my birthday gift early. Normally she wouldn't have - but we were celebrating & it was breakable, not suitable to be mailed:
A Royal Doulton figurine!!! The Last Waltz (dated 1965). Isn't she GORGEOUS??!?!?!

The details are always the best part.

My mom also surprised me with this darling bunny - Monday, while we were waiting for Pat to come pick me up to head back to Hamilton, mom realized she had forgotten about this little guy. Too cute!
And there's more! When I arrived Friday night, my sisters-in-law couldn't resist giving me my gift right then & there. They were so excited - and no wonder, this gift basket was AMAZING!

Besides all that excitement, I made some time to enjoy the forest on my parents' property.
It's been so dry this year, most of the foliage was already turning to fall colours. These poor blueberry bushes won't be producing any fruit this year...
I also strolled through my dad's garden. He has rows of potatoes & onions that are doing well, a row of yellow beans that'll give a few feedings & massive pumpkin plants. We'll have lots of pumpkins this year! Oh, and 6 carrots. Bumper crop!
There are tons more pictures - check out my Flickr stream for more!
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