Sunday, February 7, 2010

Recipe: Fried Potatoes

Since Pat loves potatoes, we often overestimate how much we cook at once & end up with leftovers. Frying them up the next day is the best way to use these up! These are awesome for breakfast & make a really quick & easy side dish.

Fried Potatoes


leftover boiled potatoes
onion (if desired)
salt, pepper & your choice of seasonings
oil or butter


1. Chop up the onion. Fry it on medium-low for a minute in a tbsp of oil or butter.

2. Add the potatoes to the frying pan. If they're in big chunks, chop them up roughly with whatever you're using to stir the potatoes & onion.

3. Season as desired. Don't skimp on the salt & pepper. My potatoes were parslied the night before, so I didn't use anything additional.

4. Stir occasionally, letting the potatoes brown nicely. Serve once they've reached their desired crispiness. It's important not to turn up the heat too high, the potatoes burn very easily.