Saturday, December 12, 2009


So my exam yesterday went really well. I found it pretty easy - and realized how much I miss exams. Yes, I know. I'm a loser. A nerdy one at that. :)

Then the graduate student federation had their holiday ball. It was SO much fun! Of course we were super smart and remembered to take zero pictures... but I felt fabulous in my dress. Maybe I'll try to convince Pat to get re-dressed so we can take a picture this morning...

There was a raffle - and each ticket you had a guess as to how many Ependorf tubes were in this jar. I guess 112, 87 and 72. My friend guessed 112 too! How random! My friend also won the big door prize - a large basket of goodies. Then my other friend won a sweatshirt. And then it was my turn! I won a $50 gift certificate at a posh little clothing store. SWEET! Our table CLEANED UP the prizes! :D

THEN. They revealed how many tubes were in the jar - 87!!! NO WAY! I WON! Again! This time $20 at a coffee shop.

So, all in all a VERY good night! Now today, my mom is coming down with my grandparents for my cousin's birthday - so my mom will be staying the night. Fun!


H20works said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all! Cool! Missing pics tho. :(


Nicole's Homemade Treats...The Blog said...

NO PICTURES?!!!! I cannot believe it!!! Pat better get his butt dressed back up!!! Glad you had fun! Winning prizes are awesome!

Angie said...

I love formal events! They're always so much fun, especially the dressing up! I haven't been to one since moving up here, it makes me a little sad :( London I went to a Charity Ball every year, always loads of fun

(I think you and Pay should dress up again for a picture lol)